Commercial Devon food photographer wins advertising and commercial bronze photography award.
A recent image I took for The Atlantic Spirit Gin Distillery in Devon has just been awarded a Bronze in the Advertising and Commercial category of the monthly BIPP (British Institute Of Professional Photography) February 2024 competition.
Armed with a few gin bottles, coats bags and cameras I was photographing these beautiful bottles, this one is my favourite flavour laver, for some of their latest ad campaigns. Windy days were needed for this shot which also produced its problems as lying in the water, being blasted with sand is never great for cameras.
But for art and especially work, it’s fine, just part of the day and fun. I also love gin so this little beauty ticked all the boxes!!
For this campaign I was shooting on the Sony Alpha 7R4A series which seemed to hold up well to the elements, bit of wiping and cleaning afterwards but fine, all shot hand held, reflectors weighted and buried in the sand.
The points accumulated from this award will contribute towards my journey in competing for the prestigious BIPP Photographer of the Year title 2024.
The BIPP is renowned as the most authoritative professional photographic body worldwide, setting the benchmark for industry excellence.
[From the Chair of Judges]: “Guy Harrop’s receipt of the Bronze Award in the monthly image competition is commendable. It is a reflection of their excellent professional photographic skills and creativity. We are pleased to support Guy Harrop on their professional journey and look forward to their future successes.”

commercial advertising photography devon, commercial food photographer Devon Cornwall